Sunday, January 21, 2007

Even Though It's Winter It's Flip Flop Weather in New England

I just wonder what it is about New England that causes the politicians to be born without a spine? Of course I am speaking about the Democrat politicians but it seems more and more rinos (Republican In Name Only) then elephants are popping up in the Republican ranks in New England. But I would like to keep my focus on the liberals that define the region of the country famous for fishing and maple syrup. Recently comments have been made by Democrat politicians about the troop surge in Iraq. It just so happens that these individuals have also been linked to presidential runs in 2008. They include the likes of Joe Biden, Christopher Dud, I mean Dodd, and the king flip flopper John Kerry. Each Senator has come out vehemently opposed to sending in more troops into Iraq to quell the violence and bring about a stable democratic regime in the region. You might ask what is the problem after all people are entitled to their opinions? The problem is these individuals had made previous statements quite contrary to their current ones. Each one had on a previous occasion declared the importance of success in Iraq and the need to increase troops in the region. Why Joe Biden not long after we had entered Iraq was declaring the need for more troops to do the job there effectively. I guess I do not understand the abrupt change in these men's thinking. We needed more troops before and now when they state that the region is on the verge of utter collapse we don't need more troops. I guess one could be disgusted by the way these men seem to stick their finger in the air to see where the wind blows to make a decision. I would simply say that this is how Democrats operate. They wait for the opinion polls to tell them how they should vote or what their position should be on an issue. One could almost respect someone even if they had a different opinion from their own if that person had the courage to stand up for what he believed in. President Bush may have his faults but you can't fault him for standing by his convictions. He knows some of his ideas are going to be vilified in the press and he still stands by them because he knows he is doing what is best for our country. These weak-willed cowards that hold elected office are all to willing to sell their souls to please the radicals that run their party. I hope whatever their prize that they covet is worth it be it power or glory because sooner or later someone is going to collect on what is owed them.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Obama makes it official, kind of

Well we finally have what everyone has been waiting with eager anticipation for and that is Barack Obama's entry into the 2008 presidential race. Well we have been told that is what everyone has been waiting for and he is not quite officially in yet. It seems as if he like many candidates has fallen into that vortex of politics referred to as forming an exploratory committee. Now what exactly does that mean? Well essentially it means that the junior senator from Illinois is going to ask people if he should run or not. He has one foot in the water but is timidly waiting for the all clear to jump into the pool. I must say I get sick of hearing about these candidates forming exploratory committees. I mean if you do not know if you want to run or not maybe it is just not in you. I mean you should know if you have a reasonable chance at your party's nomination unless you come from nowhere, Wyoming or wheretheheckamI, Rhode Island. Maybe Mr. Obama is considering whether he is ready to take on the Clinton monster. I mean he waited to announce his exploratory bid when Mrs. Clinton was out of the country in Iraq, some guts. Although he was able to shut Mrs. Clinton up as she postponed her speech so as to not be overshadowed by the media darling's announcement. I keep wondering what everyone seems to see in Obama. The media certainly has come down with a bad case of Obama fever as has the All-Powerful Oprah. This is a man with practically no experience who now believes he can lead the world's most powerful nation and in a post 9-11 world at that. Apparently Senator Obama's inexperience is not enough to shake loose Chris Matthews from the Obama train. He recently expressed that he thought the lack of experience might be good for Obama since he has not become corrupted by years in the Senate. What a wonderful image Chris Matthews paints of congress where you go in one way and come out a warped shell of your former self. Maybe I can't see the potential greatness because I am looking at things through conservative frames. But I cannot help it because they are prescription.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Doubting Thomas' Take Control of the Gavel

The Democrats recently took over control of congress from the Republicans. The Republicans had enjoyed a lengthy stay as the majority party before being tossed out as personas non grata. All eyes turn towards the Democrats as they lead off with their 100 hour plan to better America in their image. With the takeover comes changes in leadership positions as the chairs of the committee chairmanships are now being occupied by Charlie Rangel, Joe Biden, Carl Levin, and all the other old men who have out lived their peers to earn such top billing. We will now see the course the Democrats choose to take our country in. Will they keep us moving along down the highway or veer off into the opposite lane into oncoming traffic. The jury is still out on that especially since the Democrats are salivating to complete the trifecta by taking the White House in '08. The only thing we really know is that any attempts by President Bush to garner support by Democrats to push for success in Iraq is going to be met by the Democrats driving with the emergency brake all the way. Maybe it is because the Democrats feel it is still the Vietnam era and they must oppose this war at all costs to our country and our soldiers to save face with the radicals that now control their party. That is because the Democrat party is made up of sniveling cowards who break when things get tough. I will admit the current plan to send in an additional 21,000 troops may not solve the problems in Iraq. Maybe if we had gone in lock, stock, and smoking barrels and used our full military muscle we wouldn't have to deal with Dennis Kucinich and all the other liberal surrenderists. Maybe it was not such a great idea to treat our military like a pencil and sharpen it to a nub but instead keep it big and strong so it is fully capable to defend us from all enemies both foreign and domestic. Because if we must count on as Rush Limbaugh called Nancy Pelosi, the San Francisco treat our country may not see another birthday.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Saddam Reaches the End of His Rope

For most of us the sight of Saddam Hussein dangling from the end of a rope would mean that one of the most ruthless men on the planet would no longer be a threat to us or his own people. Unfortunately not everyone seems to think the way we do and we call those people liberals. I know it seems as if I cast dispersions on liberals on a constant basis and maybe that is because it is so easy to. It is almost as if liberals are raised to be gluttons for punishment. I mean how else would you explain why they would believe the things they do. I saw the execution of Saddam Hussein as an end to a very long nightmare that the Iraqi people have had to live for a very long time. Those on the fringe would instead say that their was a miscarriage of justice and that we should not celebrate the end of the Butcher of Baghdad's cruel reign. How in the world was this a miscarriage of justice? Saddam Hussein invaded the country of Kuwait in the early nineties and we crushed him but made an egregious error in not pushing all the way into heart of Iraq and finishing the job. We let Hussein defy U.N. resolution after U.N. resolution so he could stockpile weapons which he would use on his own people. When Saddam was finally captured by our magnificent military we did not put a gun to his head and execute him in the field but instead returned Saddam to his own people to enact justice. Saddam was given a trial a symbol of democracy in a country that was dominated by the rule of one. Maybe his hanging should not have ended up as a video to be viewed along with a lonely girl and men putting mentos in diet coke but in the end the Iraqis could climb out from the shadows cast by Saddam. So you will not find a shed tear on my face when I think of the execution of Saddam Hussein. For those on the left who do I can only ask why? I know they abhor the penalty of death but can they forget those people like the Kurds who were gassed to death by a megalomaniac. Sadly I fear they will not because there ideology will not let them.